f32 | fabsf (f32 f) |
f64 | fabs (f64 f) |
f32 | cosine (s16 arg0) |
void | nuBoot (void) |
void | boot_idle (void *data) |
void | boot_main (void *data) |
void | is_debug_init (void) |
void | is_debug_panic (const char *message, char *file, s32 line) |
f32 | signF (f32 val) |
s32 | func_8002ACDC (void) |
void | load_obfuscation_shims (void) |
void * | heap_malloc (s32 size) |
void * | _heap_malloc (HeapNode *head, u32 size) |
void * | _heap_malloc_tail (HeapNode *head, u32 size) |
u32 | _heap_free (HeapNode *heapNodeList, void *addrToFree) |
void * | _heap_realloc (HeapNode *heapNodeList, void *addr, u32 newSize) |
HeapNode * | _heap_create (HeapNode *addr, u32 size) |
u32 | dma_copy (Addr romStart, Addr romEnd, void *vramDest) |
f32 | rand_float (void) |
void | copy_matrix (Matrix4f src, Matrix4f dest) |
s8 | set_global_byte (s32 index, s32 value) |
s32 | get_global_byte (s32 index) |
s32 | set_global_flag (s32 index) |
s32 | clear_global_flag (s32 index) |
s32 | get_global_flag (s32 index) |
s8 | set_area_byte (s32 index, s32 value) |
s32 | get_area_byte (s32 index) |
s32 | set_area_flag (s32 index) |
s32 | clear_area_flag (s32 index) |
s32 | get_area_flag (s32 index) |
Shadow * | get_shadow_by_index (s32 index) |
s32 | get_time_freeze_mode (void) |
void | render_player_model (void) |
s16 | get_game_mode (void) |
s32 | is_picking_up_item (void) |
f32 | integrate_gravity (void) |
void | gravity_use_fall_parms (void) |
f32 | get_clamped_angle_diff (f32, f32) |
b32 | startup_fade_screen_in (s16 subtractAlpha) |
b32 | startup_fade_screen_out (s16 addAlpha) |
void | startup_fade_screen_update (void) |
u32 | get_entity_type (s32 arg0) |
Entity * | get_entity_by_index (s32 index) |
s32 | create_entity (EntityBlueprint *bp,...) |
void | entity_shattering_idle (Entity *entity) |
void | show_damage_fx (Actor *actor, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, s32 damage) |
s32 | entity_raycast_down (f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *) |
void | step_game_loop (void) |
s32 | resume_all_group (s32 groupFlags) |
f32 | length2D (f32 x, f32 y) |
void | player_input_to_move_vector (f32 *angle, f32 *magnitude) |
void | game_input_to_move_vector (f32 *x, f32 *y) |
void | exec_ShakeCamX (s32 arg0, s32 arg1, s32 arg2, f32 arg3) |
void | exec_ShakeCam1 (s32 arg0, s32 arg1, s32 arg2) |
f32 | func_800E5348 (void) |
void | draw_number (s32 value, s32 x, s32 y, s32 variableWidthChars, s32 palette, s32 opacity, u16 style) |
void | set_entity_model_flags (s32 idx, s32 newFlags) |
void | clear_entity_model_flags (s32 idx, s32 newFlags) |
void | exec_entity_model_commandlist (s32 idx) |
RenderTask * | queue_render_task (RenderTask *task) |
s32 | create_mesh_animator (s16 *animPos, s16 *animBuffer) |
void | load_mesh_animator_tree (s32 index, StaticAnimatorNode **tree) |
void | setup_pause_menu_tab (MenuWindowBP *bpArray, s32 arraySize) |
s32 | draw_ci_image_with_clipping (u8 *raster, s32 width, s32 height, s32 fmt, s32 bitDepth, u16 *palette, s16 posX, s16 posY, u16 clipULx, u16 clipULy, u16 clipLRx, u16 clipRLy, u8 opacity) |
void | render_frame (s32 flag) |
void | clear_windows (void) |
void | update_window_hierarchy (s32 windowIndex, u8 arg1) |
void | get_msg_properties (s32 msgID, s32 *height, s32 *width, s32 *maxLineChars, s32 *numLines, s32 *maxLinesPerPage, s32 *arg6, u16 charset) |
void | replace_window_update (s32 idx, s8 arg1, WindowUpdateFunc pendingFunc) |
void | decode_yay0 (void *src, void *dst) |
s32 | ai_check_player_dist (Enemy *enemy, s32 arg1, f32 arg2, f32 arg3) |
void | pause_init (void) |
void | pause_handle_input (s32 buttonsPressed, s32 buttonsHeld) |
void | pause_cleanup (void) |
void | filemenu_init (s32) |
void | filemenu_cleanup (void) |
void | filemenu_update (void) |
s32 | func_80244BC4 (void) |
void | filemenu_set_selected (MenuPanel *menu, s32 col, s32 row) |
void | filemenu_set_cursor_alpha (s32 arg0) |
void | filemenu_set_cursor_goal_pos (s32 windowIndex, s32 posX, s32 posY) |
u8 * | filemenu_get_menu_message (s32 idx) |
void | gfx_task_background (void) |
void | update_enemy_shadows (void) |
void | update_hero_shadows (void) |
void | appendGfx_background_texture (void) |
void | appendGfx_enemy_actor (void *) |
void | appendGfx_enemy_actor_blur (void *) |
void | appendGfx_enemy_actor_reflection (void *) |
void | appendGfx_partner_actor (void *) |
void | appendGfx_partner_actor_blur (void *) |
void | appendGfx_partner_actor_reflection (void *) |
void | appendGfx_player_actor (void *) |
void | appendGfx_player_actor_blur (Actor *) |
void | appendGfx_player_actor_reflection (void *) |
void | force_disable_actor_blur (Actor *) |
void | player_handle_floor_collider_type (s32 colliderID) |
f32 | player_fall_distance (void) |
void | func_800E4AD8 (s32 arg0) |
f32 | player_check_collision_below (f32, s32 *colliderID) |
s32 | can_trigger_loading_zone (void) |
void | update_damage_popups (void) |
void | show_action_rating (s32, Actor *, f32, f32, f32) |
s32 | render_with_adjusted_palettes (s32, ActorPart *, s32, Matrix4f, s32) |
HeapNode * | general_heap_create (void) |
void * | general_heap_malloc (s32 size) |
s32 | general_heap_free (void *data) |
s32 | integer_log (s32 number, u32 base) |
void | set_battle_stage (s32) |
void | load_battle (s32) |
void | entity_Shadow_init (Shadow *entity) |
void | entity_SaveBlock_idle (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_SaveBlock_pause_game (void) |
void | entity_SaveBlock_resume_game (void) |
void | entity_SaveBlock_save_data (void) |
void | entity_SaveBlock_show_tutorial_message (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_SaveBlock_wait_for_close_tutorial (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_SaveBlock_show_choice_message (void) |
void | entity_SaveBlock_show_result_message (void) |
void | entity_SaveBlock_wait_for_close_result (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_SaveBlock_wait_for_close_choice (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_SaveBlock_init (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_GreenStompSwitch_idle (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_GreenStompSwitch_retract (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_GreenStompSwitch_extend (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_HugeBlueSwitch_idle (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_small_switch_idle (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_RedSwitch_wait_and_reset (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_base_switch_anim_init (Entity *entity) |
s32 | entity_RedSwitch_animate_scale (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_base_switch_start_bound_script (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_base_switch_animate_scale (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_base_switch_init (Entity *entity) |
f32 | entity_block_hit_init_scale (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_block_hit_animate_scale (Entity *entity) |
s32 | entity_block_handle_collision (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_BlueSwitch_init (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_HugeBlueSwitch_init (Entity *entity) |
s32 | dispatch_damage_event_actor_0 (Actor *actor, s32 damageAmount, s32 event) |
MessagePrintState * | msg_get_printer_for_msg (s32 msgID, s32 *a1) |
s32 | msg_printer_load_msg (s32 msgID, MessagePrintState *printer) |
void | msg_printer_set_origin_pos (MessagePrintState *msgPrintState, s32 x, s32 y) |
void | get_screen_coords (s32 camID, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, s32 *screenX, s32 *screenY, s32 *screenZ) |
void | parent_collider_to_model (s16 colliderID, s16 modelIndex) |
void | clone_model (u16 srcModelID, u16 newModelID) |
struct Model * | get_model_from_list_index (s32 listIndex) |
s32 | create_model_animator (s16 *animPos) |
s32 | get_model_list_index_from_tree_index (s32 treeIndex) |
s32 | get_transform_group_index (s32) |
void | get_model_center_and_size (u16 modelID, f32 *centerX, f32 *centerY, f32 *centerZ, f32 *sizeX, f32 *sizeY, f32 *sizeZ) |
s32 | collision_main_above (void) |
void | collision_lava_reset_check_additional_overlaps (void) |
s32 | player_test_lateral_overlap (s32, PlayerStatus *, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32, f32) |
Npc * | peach_make_disguise_npc (s32 peachDisguise) |
void | peach_set_disguise_anim (AnimID) |
s32 | draw_box (s32 flags, WindowStyle windowStyle, s32 posX, s32 posY, s32 posZ, s32 width, s32 height, u8 opacity, u8 darkening, f32 scaleX, f32 scaleY, f32 rotX, f32 rotY, f32 rotZ, void(*fpDrawContents)(s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32), void *drawContentsArg0, Matrix4f rotScaleMtx, s32 translateX, s32 translateY, Matrix4f outMtx) |
s32 | get_msg_width (s32 msgID, u16 charset) |
s32 | partner_can_open_world_menus (void) |
s32 | disable_player_static_collisions (void) |
s32 | disable_player_input (void) |
void | func_80027088 (s32) |
void | set_time_freeze_mode (s32) |
| Time freeze modes: 0: normal 1: NPCs move, can't be interacted with 2: NPCs don't move, no partner ability, can't interact, can't use exits 3: NPCs don't more or animate 4: NPCs can move, animations don't update, can use exits.
s32 | get_map_IDs_by_name (const char *mapName, s16 *areaID, s16 *mapID) |
void | transform_point (Matrix4f mtx, f32 inX, f32 inY, f32 inZ, f32 inS, f32 *outX, f32 *outY, f32 *outZ, f32 *outW) |
void | try_player_footstep_sounds (s32 arg0) |
void | phys_update_interact_collider (void) |
void | phys_reset_spin_history (void) |
s32 | phys_adjust_cam_on_landing (void) |
s32 | phys_should_player_be_sliding (void) |
void | phys_init_integrator_for_current_state (void) |
void | phys_player_land (void) |
void | phys_main_collision_below (void) |
void | phys_peach_update (void) |
void | check_input_spin (void) |
b32 | npc_test_move_simple_without_slipping (s32, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32, f32, f32, f32) |
void | update_collider_transform (s16 colliderID) |
void | get_collider_center (s32 colliderID, f32 *x, f32 *y, f32 *z) |
s32 | is_another_trigger_bound (Trigger *, EvtScript *script) |
Trigger * | create_trigger (TriggerBlueprint *def) |
s32 | evt_trigger_on_activate_exec_script (Trigger *trigger) |
Trigger * | get_trigger_by_id (s32 triggerID) |
Actor * | get_actor (s32 actorID) |
ActorPart * | get_actor_part (Actor *actor, s32 partID) |
s32 | add_coins (s32 amt) |
s32 | is_partner_ability_active (s32) |
s32 | count_power_plus (s32) |
s32 | phys_can_player_interact (void) |
void | ai_enemy_play_sound (Npc *npc, s32 arg1, s32 arg2) |
HitID | player_test_move_without_slipping (PlayerStatus *, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32, f32, s32 *) |
HitID | player_test_move_with_slipping (PlayerStatus *playerStatus, f32 *posX, f32 *posY, f32 *posZ, f32 speed, f32 heading) |
s32 | evt_get_variable (Evt *script, Bytecode var) |
s32 | evt_set_variable (Evt *script, Bytecode var, s32 value) |
f32 | evt_get_float_variable (Evt *script, Bytecode var) |
f32 | evt_set_float_variable (Evt *script, Bytecode var, f32 value) |
s32 | evt_get_variable_index (Evt *script, s32 var) |
void | set_script_timescale (Evt *script, f32 timescale) |
f32 | sin_deg (f32 x) |
f32 | cos_deg (f32 x) |
f32 | sin_rad (f32 x) |
f32 | cos_rad (f32 x) |
s32 | round (f32) |
f32 | atan2 (f32 startX, f32 startZ, f32 endX, f32 endZ) |
f32 | clamp_angle (f32 theta) |
s32 | sign (s32 value) |
b32 | check_player_action_debug (void) |
s32 | battle_heap_create (void) |
s32 | test_ray_zones (f32 startX, f32 startY, f32 startZ, f32 dirX, f32 dirY, f32 dirZ, f32 *hitX, f32 *hitY, f32 *hitZ, f32 *hitDepth, f32 *nx, f32 *ny, f32 *nz) |
s32 | test_ray_colliders (s32 ignoreFlags, f32 startX, f32 startY, f32 startZ, f32 dirX, f32 dirY, f32 dirZ, f32 *hitX, f32 *hitY, f32 *hitZ, f32 *hitDepth, f32 *hitNx, f32 *hitNy, f32 *hitNz) |
s32 | test_ray_entities (f32 startX, f32 startY, f32 startZ, f32 dirX, f32 dirY, f32 dirZ, f32 *hitX, f32 *hitY, f32 *hitZ, f32 *hitDepth, f32 *hitNx, f32 *hitNy, f32 *hitNz) |
| Test a general ray from a given starting position and direction against all entities.
void | mem_clear (void *data, s32 numBytes) |
void | startup_set_fade_screen_color (s16 color) |
void | startup_set_fade_screen_alpha (s16 alpha) |
f32 | get_xz_dist_to_player (f32, f32) |
void | func_800E06C0 (s32) |
void | close_status_bar (void) |
Evt * | func_802C39F8 (Evt *parentScript, Bytecode *nextLine, s32 newState) |
Evt * | start_child_script (Evt *parentScript, EvtScript *source, s32 initialState) |
Evt * | restart_script (Evt *script) |
void | clear_virtual_entity_list (void) |
void | reset_model_animators (void) |
void | init_virtual_entity_list (void) |
void | init_model_animators (void) |
void | play_model_animation (s32, s16 *) |
s32 | heap_free (void *ptr) |
void | load_battle_hit_asset (const char *hitName) |
void | load_data_for_models (struct ModelNode *model, s32 romOffset, s32 size) |
void | load_player_actor (void) |
void | btl_state_update_normal_start (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_normal_start (void) |
void | btl_state_update_begin_turn (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_begin_turn (void) |
void | btl_state_update_begin_player_turn (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_begin_player_turn (void) |
void | btl_state_update_switch_to_player (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_switch_to_player (void) |
void | btl_state_update_begin_partner_turn (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_begin_partner_turn (void) |
void | btl_state_update_switch_to_partner (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_switch_to_partner (void) |
void | btl_state_update_9 (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_9 (void) |
void | btl_state_update_prepare_menu (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_prepare_menu (void) |
void | btl_state_update_end_turn (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_end_turn (void) |
void | btl_state_update_1C (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_1C (void) |
void | btl_state_update_victory (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_victory (void) |
void | btl_state_update_end_training_battle (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_end_training_battle (void) |
void | btl_state_update_end_battle (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_end_battle (void) |
void | btl_state_update_defend (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_defend (void) |
void | btl_state_update_run_away (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_run_away (void) |
void | btl_state_update_defeat (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_defeat (void) |
void | btl_state_update_change_partner (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_change_partner (void) |
void | btl_state_update_player_move (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_player_move (void) |
void | btl_state_update_end_player_turn (void) |
void | btl_state_update_partner_move (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_end_player_turn (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_partner_move (void) |
void | btl_state_update_end_partner_turn (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_end_partner_turn (void) |
void | btl_state_update_next_enemy (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_next_enemy (void) |
void | btl_state_update_enemy_move (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_enemy_move (void) |
void | btl_state_update_first_strike (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_first_stike (void) |
void | btl_state_update_partner_striking_first (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_partner_striking_first (void) |
void | btl_state_update_enemy_striking_first (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_enemy_striking_first (void) |
void | btl_state_update_end_demo_battle (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_end_demo_battle (void) |
void | btl_state_update_player_menu (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_player_menu (void) |
void | btl_state_update_partner_menu (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_partner_menu (void) |
void | btl_state_update_peach_menu (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_peach_menu (void) |
void | btl_state_update_twink_menu (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_twink_menu (void) |
void | btl_state_update_select_target (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_select_target (void) |
void | btl_state_update_22 (void) |
void | btl_state_draw_22 (void) |
void | btl_state_update_celebration (void) |
void | btl_draw_upgrade_windows (s32) |
void | btl_state_draw_celebration (void) |
void | btl_bonk_cleanup (void) |
void | set_actor_anim_by_ref (Actor *, ActorPart *, AnimID) |
void | update_action_ratings (void) |
void | update_health_bars (void) |
s32 | btl_cam_is_moving_done (void) |
void | btl_popup_messages_update (void) |
void | btl_popup_messages_draw_world_geometry (void) |
void | func_80255FD8 (void) |
void | set_actor_glow_pal (Actor *actor, s32 arg1) |
void | btl_set_popup_duration (s32 duration) |
void | switch_to_partner (s32 arg0) |
s8 | get_current_partner_id (void) |
void | delete_trigger (Trigger *toDelete) |
void | kill_script_by_ID (s32 id) |
void | set_script_priority (Evt *script, s32 priority) |
void | set_script_group (Evt *script, s32 groupFlags) |
void | suspend_group_others (Evt *script, s32 groupFlags) |
void | resume_group_others (Evt *script, s32 groupFlags) |
s32 | suspend_all_script (s32 id) |
s32 | resume_all_script (s32 id) |
s32 | create_shadow_type (s32 type, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z) |
s32 | is_point_within_region (s32 shape, f32 pointX, f32 pointY, f32 centerX, f32 centerY, f32 sizeX, f32 sizeZ) |
PlayerData * | get_player_data (void) |
b32 | npc_raycast_down_around (s32, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32, f32) |
b32 | npc_raycast_down_sides (s32 ignoreFlags, f32 *posX, f32 *posY, f32 *posZ, f32 *hitDepth) |
s32 | npc_raycast_up (s32, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *) |
HitID | npc_raycast_up_corners (s32 ignoreFlags, f32 *posX, f32 *posY, f32 *posZ, f32 *hitDepth, f32 yaw, f32 radius) |
s32 | player_raycast_up_corners (PlayerStatus *, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32) |
HitID | player_raycast_below_cam_relative (PlayerStatus *playerStatus, f32 *outX, f32 *outY, f32 *outZ, f32 *outLength, f32 *hitRx, f32 *hitRz, f32 *hitDirX, f32 *hitDirZ) |
b32 | npc_test_move_taller_with_slipping (s32, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32, f32, f32, f32) |
b32 | npc_test_move_simple_with_slipping (s32, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32, f32, f32, f32) |
s32 | npc_test_move_complex_with_slipping (s32, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32, f32, f32, f32) |
EvtScript * | partner_get_enter_map_script (void) |
void | partner_handle_before_battle (void) |
void | partner_walking_update_player_tracking (Npc *partner) |
void | partner_walking_update_motion (Npc *partner) |
void | enable_partner_ai (void) |
void | partner_walking_enable (Npc *partner, s32 val) |
void | partner_flying_enable (Npc *partner, s32 val) |
void | partner_flying_update_player_tracking (Npc *partner) |
s32 | partner_is_flying (void) |
void | partner_flying_update_motion (Npc *partner) |
void | partner_clear_player_tracking (Npc *partner) |
void | partner_set_tether_distance (f32) |
void | btl_delete_player_actor (Actor *player) |
s32 | cancel_message (MessagePrintState *msgPrintState) |
void | set_message_images (MessageImageData *images) |
void | kill_all_scripts (void) |
s32 | does_script_exist (s32 id) |
s32 | does_script_exist_by_ref (Evt *script) |
Evt * | start_script (EvtScript *source, s32 priority, s32 initialState) |
Evt * | start_script_in_group (EvtScript *source, u8 priority, u8 initialState, u8 groupFlags) |
f32 | get_player_normal_yaw (void) |
void | set_standard_shadow_scale (Shadow *shadow, f32 scale) |
void | set_npc_shadow_scale (Shadow *shadow, f32 height, f32 npcRadius) |
void | set_npc_animation (Npc *npc, u32 animID) |
void | set_peach_shadow_scale (Shadow *shadow, f32 scale) |
s32 | is_block_on_ground (Entity *block) |
void | set_actor_anim (s32 actorID, s32 partID, AnimID animID) |
void | set_actor_anim_rate (s32 actorID, s32 partID, f32 rate) |
void | mdl_group_set_visibility (u16, s32, s32) |
void | init_enter_world_shared (void) |
s16 | update_enter_map_screen_overlay (s16 *progress) |
s16 | update_exit_map_screen_overlay (s16 *progress) |
void | set_screen_overlay_params_front (u8, f32) |
void | set_screen_overlay_params_back (u8, f32) |
void | set_screen_overlay_alpha (s32, f32) |
void | get_screen_overlay_params (s32, u8 *type, f32 *zoom) |
void | set_screen_overlay_color (s32, u8, u8, u8) |
void | set_screen_overlay_center (s32, s32, s32, s32) |
s32 | rand_int (s32) |
void | sort_items (void) |
| Bubbles up player inventory items such that all ITEM_NONE values are at the bottom.
s32 | is_ability_active (s32 arg0) |
s32 | is_starting_conversation (void) |
f32 | update_lerp (s32 easing, f32 start, f32 end, s32 elapsed, s32 duration) |
void | sin_cos_deg (f32 rad, f32 *outSinTheta, f32 *outCosTheta) |
void | set_main_pan_u (s32 texPannerID, s32 value) |
void | set_main_pan_v (s32 texPannerID, s32 value) |
void | set_aux_pan_u (s32 texPannerID, s32 value) |
void | set_aux_pan_v (s32 texPannerID, s32 value) |
void | enable_world_fog (void) |
void | set_world_fog_dist (s32 start, s32 end) |
void | set_world_fog_color (s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a) |
s32 | is_world_fog_enabled (void) |
void | get_world_fog_color (s32 *r, s32 *g, s32 *b, s32 *a) |
void | enable_entity_fog (void) |
void | set_entity_fog_dist (s32 start, s32 end) |
void | set_entity_fog_color (s32 r, s32 g, s32 b, s32 a) |
struct ModelTransformGroup * | get_transform_group (s32 index) |
void | mdl_make_transform_group (u16 modelID) |
void | enable_transform_group (u16 modelID) |
void | disable_transform_group (u16 modelID) |
void | set_map_transition_effect (ScreenTransition) |
void | set_tex_panner (struct Model *model, s32 texPannerID) |
void | set_custom_gfx (s32 customGfxIndex, Gfx *pre, Gfx *post) |
s32 | make_item_entity (s32 itemID, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, s32 itemSpawnMode, s32 pickupDelay, s32 angle, s32 pickupVar) |
s32 | make_item_entity_delayed (s32 itemID, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, s32 itemSpawnMode, s32 pickupDelay, s32 pickupVar) |
void | set_item_entity_position (s32 itemEntityIndex, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z) |
ItemEntity * | get_item_entity (s32 itemEntityIndex) |
s32 | make_item_entity_nodelay (s32 itemID, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, s32 itemSpawnMode, s32 pickupVar) |
void | set_item_entity_flags (s32 itemEntityIndex, s32 flag) |
void | clear_item_entity_flags (s32 index, s32 flags) |
s32 | create_worker_frontUI (void(*updateFunc)(void), void(*drawFunc)(void)) |
Worker * | get_worker (s32 idx) |
Trigger * | bind_trigger_1 (EvtScript *script, s32 flags, s32 triggerFlagIndex, s32 triggerVar0, s32 triggerVar1, s32 priority) |
void | set_cam_viewport (s16 id, s16 x, s16 y, s16 width, s16 height) |
void | disable_player_shadow (void) |
void | move_player (s32 duration, f32 heading, f32 speed) |
s32 | enable_player_input (void) |
s32 | enable_player_static_collisions (void) |
b32 | check_input_jump (void) |
b32 | check_input_hammer (void) |
Npc * | resolve_npc (Evt *script, s32 npcIdOrPtr) |
void | enable_npc_blur (Npc *npc) |
void | disable_npc_blur (Npc *npc) |
void | enable_partner_blur (void) |
void | disable_partner_blur (void) |
void | partner_initialize_data (void) |
f32 | dist2D (f32 ax, f32 ay, f32 bx, f32 by) |
f32 | dist3D (f32 ax, f32 ay, f32 az, f32 bx, f32 by, f32 bz) |
void | add_vec2D_polar (f32 *x, f32 *y, f32 r, f32 theta) |
enum AuResult | bgm_set_track_volumes (s32 playerIndex, s16 trackVolSet) |
enum AuResult | bgm_clear_track_volumes (s32 playerIndex, s16 trackVolSet) |
enum AuResult | bgm_set_variation (s32 playerIndex, s16 arg1) |
void | bgm_quiet_max_volume (void) |
void | bgm_reset_max_volume (void) |
void | bgm_reset_volume (void) |
s32 | bgm_init_music_players (void) |
s32 | bgm_set_song (s32 playerIndex, s32 songID, s32 variation, s32 fadeOutTime, s16 volume) |
void | bgm_set_battle_song (s32, s32) |
void | bgm_push_battle_song (void) |
s32 | bgm_adjust_proximity (s32 playerIndex, s32 arg1, s16 arg2) |
void | func_801491E4 (Matrix4f mtx, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32 alpha) |
s32 | func_8014A964 (s32 playerIndex, s32 songID, s32 variation, s32 fadeInTime, s16 arg4, s16 arg5) |
void | basic_window_update (s32 windowIndex, s32 *flags, s32 *posX, s32 *posY, s32 *posZ, f32 *scaleX, f32 *scaleY, f32 *rotX, f32 *rotY, f32 *rotZ, s32 *darkening, s32 *opacity) |
void | basic_hidden_window_update (s32 windowIndex, s32 *flags, s32 *posX, s32 *posY, s32 *posZ, f32 *scaleX, f32 *scaleY, f32 *rotX, f32 *rotY, f32 *rotZ, s32 *darkening, s32 *opacity) |
void | create_current_pos_target_list (Actor *actor) |
void | create_home_target_list (Actor *actor) |
void | set_actor_yaw (s32 actorID, s32 yaw) |
void | set_part_yaw (s32 actorID, s32 partID, s32 value) |
void | add_part_decoration (ActorPart *part, s32 decorationIndex, s32 decorationType) |
void | add_actor_decoration (Actor *actor, s32 decorationIndex, s32 decorationType) |
void | remove_part_decoration (ActorPart *part, s32 decorationIndex) |
void | remove_actor_decoration (Actor *actor, s32 decorationIndex) |
s32 | player_team_is_ability_active (Actor *actor, s32 ability) |
void | create_part_shadow (s32 actorID, s32 partID) |
void | remove_part_shadow (s32 actorID, s32 partID) |
void | create_part_shadow_by_ref (s32 arg0, ActorPart *part) |
void | spawn_drops (Enemy *enemy) |
void | set_part_pal_adjustment (ActorPart *, s32) |
char * | int_to_string (s32, char *, s32) |
Evt * | get_script_by_index (s32 index) |
Evt * | get_script_by_id (s32 id) |
s32 | partner_test_enemy_collision (Npc *enemy) |
s32 | get_lava_reset_pos (f32 *x, f32 *y, f32 *z) |
void | start_rumble (s32, s32) |
void | update_locomotion_state (void) |
void | start_rumble_type (u32) |
void | start_falling (void) |
void | start_bounce_a (void) |
void | start_bounce_b (void) |
void | update_input (void) |
void | update_max_rumble_duration (void) |
void | mdl_reset_transform_flags (void) |
void | update_workers (void) |
void | update_triggers (void) |
void | update_scripts (void) |
void | update_messages (void) |
void | update_entities (void) |
void | func_80138198 (void) |
void | bgm_update_music_settings (void) |
s32 | func_8014AD40 (void) |
void | update_ambient_sounds (void) |
void | update_windows (void) |
void | player_render_interact_prompts (void) |
void | func_802C3EE4 (void) |
void | render_screen_overlay_backUI (void) |
void | render_workers_backUI (void) |
void | render_effects_UI (void) |
void | render_window_root (void) |
void | render_messages (void) |
void | render_workers_frontUI (void) |
void | render_screen_overlay_frontUI (void) |
void | render_curtains (void) |
void | fio_init_flash (void) |
void | func_80028838 (void) |
void | clear_screen_overlays (void) |
void | bgm_reset_sequence_players (void) |
void | reset_ambient_sounds (void) |
void | poll_rumble (void) |
void | bgm_pop_song (void) |
void | bgm_push_song (s32 songID, s32 variation) |
void | bgm_pop_battle_song (void) |
s32 | play_ambient_sounds (s32 fadeInTime, s32 fadeOutTime) |
s32 | get_fortress_key_count (void) |
s32 | subtract_fortress_keys (s32 amt) |
s32 | add_star_points (s32 amt) |
s32 | add_star_pieces (s32 amt) |
s32 | make_item_entity_at_player (s32 itemID, s32 arg1, s32 pickupMsgFlags) |
void | set_action_state (s32 actionState) |
s32 | get_collider_flags (s32 colliderID) |
void | suggest_player_anim_always_forward (AnimID anim) |
void | suggest_player_anim_allow_backward (AnimID anim) |
void | subtract_hp (s32 amt) |
void | draw_status_ui (void) |
void | open_status_bar_slowly (void) |
void | suspend_all_group (s32 groupFlags) |
void | kill_script (Evt *instanceToKill) |
void | exec_entity_commandlist (Entity *entity) |
void | show_start_recovery_shimmer (f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, s32 arg3) |
void | show_recovery_shimmer (f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, s32 arg3) |
void | show_next_damage_popup (f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, s32 damageAmount, s32) |
void | add_xz_vec3f (Vec3f *vector, f32 speed, f32 angleDeg) |
void | add_xz_vec3f_copy1 (Vec3f *vector, f32 speed, f32 angleDeg) |
void | add_xz_vec3f_copy2 (Vec3f *vector, f32 speed, f32 angleDeg) |
void | play_movement_dust_effects (s32 var0, f32 xPos, f32 yPos, f32 zPos, f32 angleDeg) |
void | draw_prev_frame_buffer_at_screen_pos (s32, s32, s32, s32, f32) |
void | func_8013A4D0 (void) |
void | btl_draw_ui (void) |
void | btl_restore_world_cameras (void) |
void | btl_popup_messages_draw_ui (void) |
void | btl_cam_set_target_pos (f32, f32, f32) |
void | btl_cam_unfreeze (void) |
void | deduct_current_move_fp (void) |
void | load_partner_actor (void) |
void | dispatch_event_partner (s32) |
void | dispatch_event_player (s32) |
s32 | btl_are_all_enemies_defeated (void) |
s32 | btl_check_enemies_defeated (void) |
s32 | btl_check_player_defeated (void) |
void | btl_show_battle_message (s32 messageIndex, s32 duration) |
void | btl_update_ko_status (void) |
void | reset_actor_turn_info (void) |
void | startup_draw_prim_rect (s16 left, s16 top, s16 right, s16 bottom, u16 r, u16 g, u16 b, u16 a) |
void | startup_draw_prim_rect_COPY (s16 left, s16 top, s16 right, s16 bottom, u16 r, u16 g, u16 b, u16 a) |
void | btl_draw_prim_quad (u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, u8 a, u16 left, u16 top, u16 arg6, u16 arg7) |
void | reset_all_actor_sounds (Actor *) |
void | decrement_status_bar_disabled (void) |
void | increment_status_bar_disabled (void) |
void | btl_delete_actor (Actor *actor) |
void | create_status_debuff (s32, s32) |
void | create_status_static (s32, s32) |
void | create_status_transparent (s32, s32) |
void | remove_status_chill_out (s32) |
void | remove_status_debuff (s32) |
void | remove_status_icon_boost_hammer (s32) |
void | remove_status_icon_boost_jump (s32) |
void | remove_status_icon_boost_partner (s32) |
void | remove_status_icon_danger (s32) |
void | remove_status_icon_peril (s32) |
void | remove_status_icon_surprise (s32) |
void | remove_status_static (s32) |
void | remove_status_transparent (s32) |
void | remove_all_status_icons (s32) |
s32 | create_status_icon_set (void) |
s32 | find_item (s32) |
void | enable_background_wave (void) |
void | set_map_change_fade_rate (s16) |
void | load_map_by_IDs (s16 areaID, s16 mapID, s16 loadType) |
void | state_init_startup (void) |
void | state_step_startup (void) |
void | state_drawUI_startup (void) |
void | state_init_logos (void) |
void | state_step_logos (void) |
void | state_drawUI_logos (void) |
void | state_init_title_screen (void) |
void | state_step_title_screen (void) |
void | state_drawUI_title_screen (void) |
void | state_init_enter_demo (void) |
void | state_step_enter_world (void) |
void | state_init_change_map (void) |
void | state_step_change_map (void) |
void | state_drawUI_change_map (void) |
void | state_init_game_over (void) |
void | state_step_game_over (void) |
void | state_drawUI_game_over (void) |
void | state_init_enter_world (void) |
void | state_drawUI_enter_world (void) |
void | state_init_world (void) |
void | state_step_world (void) |
void | state_drawUI_world (void) |
void | state_init_battle (void) |
void | state_step_battle (void) |
void | state_drawUI_battle (void) |
void | state_init_end_battle (void) |
void | state_step_end_battle (void) |
void | state_drawUI_end_battle (void) |
void | state_init_pause (void) |
void | state_step_pause (void) |
void | state_drawUI_pause (void) |
void | state_init_unpause (void) |
void | state_step_unpause (void) |
void | state_drawUI_unpause (void) |
void | state_init_language_select (void) |
void | state_step_language_select (void) |
void | state_drawUI_language_select (void) |
void | state_init_exit_language_select (void) |
void | state_step_exit_language_select (void) |
void | state_drawUI_exit_language_select (void) |
void | state_init_file_select (void) |
void | state_step_file_select (void) |
void | state_drawUI_file_select (void) |
void | state_init_exit_file_select (void) |
void | state_step_exit_file_select (void) |
void | state_drawUI_exit_file_select (void) |
void | state_init_intro (void) |
void | state_step_intro (void) |
void | state_drawUI_intro (void) |
void | state_init_demo (void) |
void | state_step_demo (void) |
void | state_drawUI_demo (void) |
void | btl_set_player_idle_anims (void) |
void | shim_create_audio_system_obfuscated (void) |
void | shim_load_engine_data_obfuscated (void) |
void | shim_general_heap_create_obfuscated (void) |
void | shim_battle_heap_create_obfuscated (void) |
void | appendGfx_ispy_icon (void) |
void | interact_inspect_setup (void) |
void | interact_speech_setup (void) |
void | pulse_stone_notification_setup (void) |
void | appendGfx_speech_bubble (void) |
void | appendGfx_pulse_stone_icon (void) |
void | ispy_notification_setup (void) |
void | initialize_curtains (void) |
void | update_curtains (void) |
void | set_curtain_scale_goal (f32 scale) |
void | set_curtain_scale (f32 scale) |
void | set_curtain_draw_callback (void(*callback)(void)) |
void | set_curtain_fade_goal (f32 fade) |
void | set_curtain_fade (f32 fade) |
void | crash_screen_init (void) |
void | crash_screen_set_draw_info (u16 *frameBufPtr, s16 width, s16 height) |
void | basic_ai_wander_init (Evt *script, MobileAISettings *npcAISettings, EnemyDetectVolume *territory) |
void | basic_ai_wander (Evt *script, MobileAISettings *npcAISettings, EnemyDetectVolume *territory) |
void | basic_ai_loiter (Evt *script, MobileAISettings *npcAISettings, EnemyDetectVolume *territory) |
void | basic_ai_found_player_jump_init (Evt *script, MobileAISettings *npcAISettings, EnemyDetectVolume *territory) |
void | basic_ai_found_player_jump (Evt *script, MobileAISettings *npcAISettings, EnemyDetectVolume *territory) |
void | basic_ai_chase_init (Evt *script, MobileAISettings *npcAISettings, EnemyDetectVolume *territory) |
void | basic_ai_chase (Evt *script, MobileAISettings *npcAISettings, EnemyDetectVolume *territory) |
void | basic_ai_lose_player (Evt *script, MobileAISettings *npcAISettings, EnemyDetectVolume *territory) |
void | basic_ai_suspend (Evt *script) |
s32 | create_worker_world (WorldArgs, WorldArgs) |
void | init_entity_models (void) |
f32 | phys_get_spin_history (s32 lag, s32 *x, s32 *y, s32 *z) |
void | imgfx_update (u32, ImgFXType, s32, s32, s32, s32, s32) |
s32 | imgfx_appendGfx_component (s32, ImgFXTexture *, u32, Matrix4f) |
void | imgfx_update_cache (void) |
s32 | imgfx_get_free_instances (s32) |
void | free_worker (s32) |
s32 | ai_check_fwd_collisions (Npc *npc, f32 arg1, f32 *arg2, f32 *arg3, f32 *arg4, f32 *arg5) |
void | basic_ai_loiter_init (Evt *script, MobileAISettings *aiSettings, EnemyDetectVolume *territory) |
void | PatrolAI_LoiterInit (Evt *script, MobileAISettings *aiSettings, EnemyDetectVolume *territory) |
s32 | func_80263230 (Actor *, Actor *) |
void | set_part_glow_pal (ActorPart *, s32) |
void | clear_actor_static_pal_adjustments (Actor *) |
void | set_actor_flash_mode (Actor *actor, s32 arg1) |
void | remove_player_buffs (s32) |
s32 | is_actor_health_bar_visible (Actor *) |
void | sin_cos_rad (f32 rad, f32 *outSinTheta, f32 *outCosTheta) |
void | load_font (s32 font) |
void | load_font_data (Addr offset, u16 size, void *dest) |
void * | load_asset_by_name (const char *assetName, u32 *decompressedSize) |
Gfx * | mdl_get_copied_gfx (s32 copyIndex) |
void | mdl_get_copied_vertices (s32 copyIndex, Vtx **firstVertex, Vtx **copiedVertices, s32 *numCopied) |
void | mdl_draw_hidden_panel_surface (Gfx **arg0, u16 treeIndex) |
s32 | is_point_visible (f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, s32 depthQueryID, f32 *screenX, f32 *screenY) |
void | set_screen_overlay_center_worldpos (s32 idx, s32 posIdx, s32 x, s32 y, s32 z) |
void * | mdl_get_next_texture_address (s32) |
s32 | cancel_current_message (void) |
void | draw_msg (s32 msgID, s32 posX, s32 posY, s32 opacity, s32 palette, u8 style) |
void | mdl_get_shroud_tint_params (u8 *r, u8 *g, u8 *b, u8 *a) |
s32 | entity_base_block_idle (Entity *entity) |
void | add_star_power (s32 amt) |
s32 | recover_hp (s32 amt) |
s32 | recover_fp (s32 amt) |
s32 | entity_can_collide_with_jumping_player (Entity *entity) |
void | entity_base_block_init (Entity *entity) |
s32 | entity_start_script (Entity *entity) |
void | init_item_entity_list (void) |
void | init_script_list (void) |
void | init_entity_data (void) |
void | init_trigger_list (void) |
void | partner_init_after_battle (s32 arg0) |
void | load_map_script_lib (void) |
void | remove_item_entity_by_index (s32 index) |
void | set_entity_commandlist (Entity *entity, s32 *entityScript) |
s32 | is_player_dismounted (void) |
void | func_800EF300 (void) |
void | func_800EF314 (void) |
void | func_800EF43C (void) |
void | func_800EF3E4 (void) |
void | enable_player_shadow (void) |
s32 | get_msg_lines (s32 messageID) |
void | set_window_properties (s32 panelID, s32 posX, s32 posY, s32 width, s32 height, u8, void *drawContents, void *drawContentsArg, s8 parent) |
void | set_window_update (s32 panelID, s32) |
void | set_windows_visible (s32 groupIdx) |
void | partner_disable_input (void) |
void | partner_set_goal_pos (s32 x, s32 z) |
void | close_message (MessagePrintState *msgPrintState) |
void | show_foreground_models_unchecked (void) |
void | hide_foreground_models_unchecked (void) |
void | show_foreground_models (void) |
void | hide_foreground_models (void) |
void | btl_set_state (s32 battleState) |
void | draw_entity_model_A (s32, Mtx *) |
void | draw_entity_model_B (s32, Mtx *, s32, Vec3s *) |
void | draw_entity_model_C (s32, Mtx *) |
void | draw_entity_model_D (s32, Mtx *, s32, Vec3s *) |
void | draw_entity_model_E (s32, Mtx *) |
void | free_entity_model_by_index (s32 idx) |
void | btl_cam_use_preset (s32) |
void | btl_cam_set_params (b16, s16, s16, s16, s32, s32, s32, s32) |
void | btl_cam_set_zoffset (s16) |
void | btl_cam_target_actor (s32) |
void | btl_cam_set_zoom (s16) |
void | btl_cam_move (s16) |
void | btl_cam_disable_clamp_x (void) |
void | initialize_battle (void) |
void | dispatch_event_actor (Actor *, s32) |
s32 | dispatch_damage_event_actor_1 (Actor *actor, s32 damageAmount, s32 event) |
void | reset_battle_status (void) |
void | btl_show_variable_battle_message (s32, s32, s32) |
s32 | btl_is_popup_displayed (void) |
void | btl_cam_use_preset_immediately (s32) |
s32 | inflict_status (Actor *, s32, s32) |
s32 | try_inflict_status (Actor *, s32, s32) |
s32 | inflict_status_set_duration (Actor *actor, s32 statusTypeKey, s32 statusDurationKey, s32 duration) |
void | mdl_set_all_tint_type (s32) |
void | load_model_animator_tree (s32, StaticAnimatorNode **) |
s32 | inflict_partner_ko (Actor *target, s32 statusTypeKey, s32 duration) |
s32 | get_defense (Actor *actor, s32 *defenseTable, s32 elementFlags) |
void | btl_popup_messages_init (void) |
void | remove_all_effects (void) |
void | update_effects (void) |
void | update_cameras (void) |
void | clear_render_tasks (void) |
void | clear_worker_list (void) |
void | clear_printers (void) |
void | clear_item_entity_data (void) |
void | clear_player_data (void) |
void | phys_update_jump (void) |
void | phys_update_falling (void) |
void | check_input_midair_jump (void) |
void | collision_check_player_overlaps (void) |
void | update_player_input (void) |
void | phys_update_action_state (void) |
void | collision_main_lateral (void) |
void | handle_floor_behavior (void) |
void | check_input_open_menus (void) |
void | check_input_status_bar (void) |
void | update_player (void) |
void | enforce_hpfp_limits (void) |
s32 | should_collider_allow_interact (s32) |
void | show_coin_counter (void) |
s32 | add_item (s32 itemID) |
s32 | add_badge (s32 itemID) |
void | hide_coin_counter_immediately (void) |
void | hide_popup_menu (void) |
void | destroy_popup_menu (void) |
void | reset_player_status (void) |
void | player_reset_data (void) |
void | partner_reset_data (void) |
s32 | has_valid_conversation_npc (void) |
s32 | func_800E06D8 (void) |
void | func_800E01DC (void) |
void | collision_lateral_peach (void) |
void | func_800E5520 (void) |
void | clear_world_menus (void) |
void | setup_status_bar_for_battle (void) |
void | enable_status_bar_input (void) |
void | disable_status_bar_input (void) |
b32 | can_control_status_bar (void) |
void | status_bar_respond_to_changes (void) |
void | status_bar_always_show_on (void) |
void | status_bar_always_show_off (void) |
void | func_800F0C9C (void) |
void | func_800F0CB0 (s32, f32, f32, f32) |
void | func_800F0D5C (void) |
void | func_800F0D80 (void) |
void | func_800F102C (void) |
s32 | get_item_count (void) |
s32 | get_stored_empty_count (void) |
s32 | get_stored_count (void) |
s32 | get_item_empty_count (void) |
void | shop_open_item_select_popup (s32 mode) |
void | hide_coin_counter (void) |
void | set_message_text_var (s32 msgID, s32 index) |
void | set_message_int_var (s32 value, s32 index) |
s32 | store_item (s32 itemID) |
void | open_status_bar_quickly (void) |
void | show_immune_bonk (f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, s32, s32, s32) |
void | show_primary_damage_popup (f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, s32 attack, s32 a) |
s32 | dispatch_damage_event_partner (s32 damageAmount, s32 event, s32 stopMotion) |
void | disable_actor_blur (Actor *) |
void | reset_actor_blur (Actor *) |
void | enable_actor_blur (Actor *) |
void | apply_shock_effect (Actor *) |
void | part_glow_off (s32, ActorPart *, s32 yaw, b32 arg3) |
void | part_flash_off (b32 isNpcSprite, ActorPart *part, s32 yaw, b32 isReflection) |
void | part_flash_on (b32 isNpcSprite, ActorPart *part, s32 yaw, b32 isReflection) |
void | _add_part_decoration (ActorPart *) |
void | _remove_part_decoration (ActorPart *part, s32 decorationIndex) |
void | remove_part_decor_none (ActorPart *, s32) |
void | remove_part_decor_golden_flames (ActorPart *, s32) |
void | remove_part_decor_sweat (ActorPart *, s32) |
void | remove_part_decor_seeing_stars (ActorPart *, s32) |
void | remove_part_decor_red_flames (ActorPart *, s32) |
void | remove_part_decor_smoky_trail (ActorPart *, s32) |
void | remove_part_decor_fiery_trail (ActorPart *, s32) |
void | remove_part_decor_whirlwind (ActorPart *, s32) |
void | remove_part_decor_steam (ActorPart *, s32) |
void | remove_part_decor_sparkles (ActorPart *, s32) |
void | remove_part_decor_bowser_aura (ActorPart *, s32) |
void | remove_part_decor_radiating_stars (ActorPart *, s32) |
void | status_bar_ignore_changes (void) |
void | imgfx_release_instance (u32) |
void | set_script_flags (Evt *script, s32 flags) |
void | clear_script_flags (Evt *script, s32 flags) |
void | disable_player_blur (void) |
void | enable_player_blur (void) |
void | reset_player_blur (void) |
void | force_disable_player_blur (void) |
void | force_disable_player_blur_immediately (void) |
void | func_8023E104 (void) |
void | func_8023E11C (void) |
void | set_goal_pos_to_part (ActorState *state, s32 actorID, s32 partID) |
void | init_encounters_ui (void) |
void | initialize_collision (void) |
void | render_entities (void) |
void | render_player (void) |
void | render_workers_world (void) |
void | render_effects_world (void) |
s32 | get_asset_offset (char *, s32 *) |
void | initialize_status_bar (void) |
void | status_bar_start_blinking_fp (void) |
s32 | is_status_bar_visible (void) |
void | status_bar_start_blinking_starpoints (void) |
void | status_bar_stop_blinking_starpoints (void) |
void | status_bar_start_blinking_hp (void) |
void | status_bar_start_blinking_sp (void) |
void | status_bar_stop_blinking_fp (void) |
void | status_bar_stop_blinking_hp (void) |
void | status_bar_stop_blinking_sp (void) |
void | status_bar_start_blinking_sp_bars (s32 numBarsToBlink) |
void | status_bar_draw_number (s32 iconID, s32 x, s32 y, s32 value, s32 numDigits) |
void | status_bar_draw_stat (s32 id, s32 x, s32 y, s32, s32) |
void | set_background_size (s16, s16, s16, s16) |
void | set_background (BackgroundHeader *) |
void | set_max_star_power (s8) |
void | sync_status_bar (void) |
void | create_cameras (void) |
void | func_80045AC0 (void) |
void | func_8005AF84 (void) |
void | npc_follow_init (Npc *, s32, FollowAnims *, f32, f32, s32, s32) |
void | npc_update_npc_tracking (Npc *) |
void | npc_follow_npc (Npc *) |
void | create_encounters (void) |
void | update_encounters_neutral (void) |
void | update_encounters_pre_battle (void) |
void | update_encounters_conversation (void) |
void | update_encounters_post_battle (void) |
void | load_map_bg (char *optAssetName) |
void | reset_background_settings (void) |
void | func_80138188 (void) |
void | func_80266970 (Actor *) |
void | show_actor_health_bar (Actor *) |
void | hide_actor_health_bar (Actor *) |
void | clear_part_pal_adjustment (ActorPart *) |
void | calculate_camera_yinterp_rate (void) |
void | load_tattle_flags (s32) |
s32 | use_consumable (s32 invSlot) |
void | remove_consumable (void) |
void | delete_shadow (s32) |
void | partner_reset_tether_distance (void) |
void | save_tattle_flags (s32) |
void | update_merlee_messages (void) |
void | draw_merlee_messages (void) |
void | show_merlee_message (s16, s16) |
s32 | is_merlee_message_done (void) |
void | close_action_command_instruction_popup (void) |
void | draw_encounters_conversation (void) |
void | draw_encounters_post_battle (void) |
void | draw_encounters_pre_battle (void) |
void | draw_encounters_neutral (void) |
void | show_first_strike_message (void) |
void | entity_upgrade_block_hide_content (s32) |
s32 | lookup_defense (s32 *, s32) |
s32 | lookup_status_chance (s32 *, s32) |
void | peach_check_for_parasol_input (void) |
void | peach_sync_disguise_npc (void) |
s32 | check_conversation_trigger (void) |
void | clear_player_status (void) |
void | clear_entity_models (void) |
void | bind_entity_model_setupGfx (s32 idx, void *setupGfxCallbackArg0, void(*fpSetupGfxCallback)(void *)) |
void | clear_animator_list (void) |
void | clear_model_data (void) |
void | init_sprite_shading_data (void) |
void | clear_sprite_shading_data (void) |
void | clear_character_set (void) |
void | clear_trigger_data (void) |
void | clear_script_list (void) |
void | clear_entity_data (b32) |
void | clear_effect_data (void) |
void | clear_saved_variables (void) |
void | clear_area_flags (void) |
f32 | get_player_normal_pitch (void) |
void | partner_kill_ability_script (void) |
void | func_800EF3D4 (s32) |
void | mdl_update_transform_matrices (void) |
void | mdl_group_set_custom_gfx (u16, s32, s32, b32) |
void | backup_map_collision_data (void) |
void | reset_status_bar (void) |
void | btl_save_world_cameras (void) |
void | load_battle_section (void) |
void | btl_update (void) |
void | update_item_entities (void) |
void | iterate_models (void) |
void | restore_map_collision_data (void) |
void | mdl_load_all_textures (struct ModelNode *model, s32 romOffset, s32 size) |
void | mdl_calculate_model_sizes (void) |