Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- h -
- hadCorrectTiming : ActionCommandStatus.__unnamed102__.threeChances
- halfHeight : EnemyDetectVolume
- halfSizeX : ModelBoundingBox
- halfSizeY : ModelBoundingBox
- halfSizeZ : ModelBoundingBox
- haloAlpha : EndingDecalsFXData
- hammerCharge : BattleStatus
- hammerLevel : PlayerData
- hammerLossTurns : BattleStatus
- hammerMissedStart : ActionCommandStatus
- handleBatttlePhaseScriptID : Actor
- handleEventScript : Actor
- handleEventScriptID : Actor
- handleEventSource : Actor
- handlePhaseScript : Actor
- handlePhaseSource : Actor
- hardMaxFP : PlayerData
- hardMaxHP : PlayerData
- hasActionCommands : PlayerData
- hasBeenGivenFlag : RussTLoreEntry
- hasBufferedSpin : PlayerSpinState
- hasExtraSection : SEFHeader
- hasMerleeCoinBonus : EncounterStatus
- hasPlayerInteractPrompt : Trigger, TriggerBlueprint
- hazardType : PlayerStatus
- head : AuFxBus
- header : ShapeFile, TextureHandle
- heading : PlayerStatus, SlideParams
- headOffset : Actor
- healthBarHideTime : Actor
- healthBarOffset : Actor, ActorBlueprint
- healthBarPos : Actor
- healthBarsEnabled : GameStatus
- healthFraction : Actor
- heap : ALConfig, AuSynDriver
- heartbeatTimer : HeartBlockContentData
- heartBlockContent : EntityData
- heartDrops : EnemyDrops, EnemyDropsFlat
- height : BackgroundHeader, CrashScreen, FallingSprite, HudElementSize, ImgFXOverlayTexture, ImgFXTexture, KnockdownData, MenuWindowBP, MessageImageData, NpcSettings, SpriteRasterCacheEntry, SpriteRasterInfo, StoneChompAmbushIsk05, StoneChompAmbushIsk13, StoneChompAmbushIsk14, UnkStruct, Window, WindowBackground
- heightScale : HudElement
- heldButtons : GameStatus, PartnerStatus, PlayerStatus
- heldButtonsBuffer : PlayerStatus
- hidden : StatusBar
- hiddenPanel : EntityData
- hideAlpha : Npc
- hieroglyphs : EffectInstanceDataPtr
- hilite : DisplayContext
- hintMessage : RussTLoreEntry
- hintMsg : BadgeHint, GameFlagHint
- hit : NpcData.animations, Stage
- hitAssetCollisionOffset : MapSettings
- hitAssetZoneOffset : MapSettings
- hitboxIsActive : Enemy
- hitBytecode : Enemy
- hitID : HammerHitData
- hitPos : HammerHitData
- hitsBlocked : PlayerData
- hitScript : Enemy
- hitScriptID : Enemy
- hitsTaken : PlayerData
- hitsTakenIsMax : ActionCommandStatus
- hitTier : EncounterStatus
- hitType : EncounterStatus
- hitWallTime : PlayerSpinState
- hold : DisguiseAnims
- holdingLeft : ActionCommandStatus.__unnamed102__.airRaid, ActionCommandStatus.__unnamed102__.fireShell, ActionCommandStatus.__unnamed102__.smack, ActionCommandStatus.__unnamed102__.spook
- holdInputBuffer : BattleStatus
- holdInputBufferPos : BattleStatus
- holdMode : CreditsEntry, CreditsLine
- holdTime : CreditsEntry, CreditsLine, InspectIconData, SpeechBubbleData
- hologram : ImgFXIntVars
- home : FormationRow
- homePos : Actor, Npc
- hpBasedChance : PlayerCelebrationAnimOptions
- hpBlinkAnimTime : StatusBar
- hpBlinking : StatusBar
- hpBlinkTimeLeft : StatusBar
- hpChangeCounter : Actor
- hpDrainCount : BattleStatus
- hpIconHIDs : StatusBar
- hpTimesHID : StatusBar
- hudBaseX : PhonographData
- hudBaseY : PhonographData
- hudElementDataIndex : Actor
- hudElemID : ItemData, JumpGameData
- hudElemIDs : ActionCommandStatus
- hudPosX : ActionCommandStatus
- hudPosY : ActionCommandStatus
- hudPrepareTime : ActionCommandStatus
- hudTransform : HudElement
- hudWorker : PhonographData
- huffPuffBreath : EffectInstanceDataPtr
- hurricaneChance : ActorBlueprint
- hurt : ActorSounds, PartnerAnimations.__unnamed43__
- hustleTurns : BattleStatus