Here is a list of all variables with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- a -
- a : Color4f, Color4i, Color_RGBA8, ImgFXIntVars.color
- aabb : Collider.__unnamed38__, Entity
- aabbs : CollisionData.__unnamed40__
- aabbSize : EntityBlueprint, ShadowBlueprint
- absolutePos : ActorPart, ActorPartMovement
- accel : Message
- acceleration : ActorMovement, ActorState
- accelY : FloatingFlowerFXData
- acceptTargetMenuSubstate : BattleStatus
- accumulatedStickLead : Camera
- actingPartner : PartnerStatus
- actionCmdDifficultyTable : BattleStatus
- actionCommandAttempts : PlayerData
- actionCommandID : ActionCommandStatus
- actionCommandMode : BattleStatus
- actionCommandSuccesses : PlayerData
- actionFlags : NpcSettings
- actionProgress : BattleStatus
- actionQuality : BattleStatus
- actionRatingCombo : Actor
- actionRatingTime : Actor
- actionResult : BattleStatus
- actionState : PlayerStatus
- actionSubstate : PlayerStatus
- actionTip : MoveData
- activateISpy : HiddenPanelsData
- active : HudComplexStatusIcon, HudSimpleStatusIcon, PopupMessage
- activeElementHID : HudComplexStatusIcon
- activeElementID : HudSimpleStatusIcon
- activeEnemyActorID : BattleStatus
- activeTask : HudComplexStatusIcon
- actor : Evt.owner1, FormationRow
- actorBlueprint : Actor
- ActorBlueprint : PartnerDMAData
- actorID : Actor, Evt.owner1, SelectableTarget
- actors : StaticFormationEntry
- actorType : Actor
- actorTypeData1 : Actor
- actorTypeData1b : Actor
- actorTypeData2b : ActorPart
- addr : DisplayListBufferHandle
- adjustedPalettes : DecorationTable, Npc
- adjustedPitch : SeqNote
- afterRequirement : PauseMapSpace
- ai : NpcSettings
- aiBytecode : Enemy
- aiDetectFlags : Enemy, NpcData
- aiFlags : Enemy, NpcData
- airLiftChance : ActorBlueprint
- airRaid : ActionCommandStatus.__unnamed102__
- aiScript : Enemy
- aiScriptID : Enemy
- aiSuspendTime : Enemy
- alertOffsetDist : GuardAISettings, MobileAISettings
- alertRadius : GuardAISettings, MobileAISettings
- alive : CloudPuffFXData, CloudTrailFXData, FlowerFXData, FootprintFXData, ShimmerParticle
- all : AmbVoiceStateInfo, SoundPlayChange.__unnamed89__
- allocated : HeapNode
- alpha : AttackResultTextFXData, BombetteBreakingFXData, BuffData, CloudPuffFXData, CloudTrailFXData, DamageIndicatorFXData, DamageStarsFXData, DebuffFXData, DecorBowserAura, DecorRedFlames, DisableXFXData, Effect65FXData, Entity, FireBreathFXData, FloatingRockFXData, FootprintFXData, GameRecords, GotItemOutlineFXData, ImgFXIntVars.overlay, ImgFXTexture, InspectIconData, ISpyNotification, ItemEntity, LightRaysFXData, MagikoopaTeleportAnim, MerlinHouseStarsFXData, MusicNoteFXData, Npc, RecordDisplayData, RecoverFXData, ScreenOverlay, Shadow, ShatteringBlockData, ShockwaveFXData, SpinFXData, StaticStatusFXData, StoneChompAmbushIsk05, SunFXData, WaterBlockFXData, WindyLeavesFXData
- alphaAmt : ImgFXIntVars.hologram
- alphaMultiplier : ImgFXWorkingTexture
- alternativeDataPos : SoundPlayer
- alternativeType : SoundPlayer
- alternativeVolume : SoundPlayer
- altViewportOffset : GameStatus
- alwaysShown : StatusBar
- ambientColor : SpriteShadingProfile
- ambientPower : SpriteShadingProfile
- amount : SeqArgs.TrackTremolo
- anchorPos : FuzzyThread
- angle : ActorMovement, ActorPartMovement, ActorState, ArrowSignData, CymbalPlantData, DinoData, GlassShardPosition, HuffPuffBreathFXData, RecoverFXData, SaveBlockData, TweesterPhysics
- angleA : RockingChairPhysics
- angleB : RockingChairPhysics
- angleDelta : RockingChairPhysics
- angleStep : FuzzyThread
- angularAccel : RockingChairPhysics
- angularSpeed : FxLightningBoltState
- angularVel : BarricadePart, FloatingFlowerFXData, IceShardFXData, TweesterPhysics
- angularVelocity : EndChapter
- anim : HudElement, ImgFXFloatVars, ImgFXIntVars.args, ImgFXIntVars, LilOinkFXData, PlayerStatus, QuizmoAssistantFXData
- anim_4 : NpcData.animations
- anim_5 : NpcData.animations
- anim_8 : NpcData.animations
- anim_9 : NpcData.animations
- anim_A : NpcData.animations
- anim_B : NpcData.animations
- anim_C : NpcData.animations
- anim_D : NpcData.animations
- anim_E : NpcData.animations
- anim_F : NpcData.animations
- animationBuffer : ModelAnimator
- animationEnabled : FallingSprite
- animationRate : ActorPart
- animations : NpcData
- animationSpeed : Npc
- animFlags : PlayerStatus
- animFrame : IceShardFXData
- animID : PlayerCurrentAnimInfo
- animJumpFall : ActorState
- animJumpLand : ActorState
- animJumpRise : ActorState
- animList : Enemy, ParadeNpcInfo
- animListStart : SpriteAnimData
- animModelID : AnimatedModel
- animModelNode : ShadowBlueprint
- animNotifyValue : ActorPart, Npc, PlayerStatus
- animRate : IceShardFXData
- animReadPos : ModelAnimator
- anims : NpcFollowData, PartnerAnimations
- animStateScaleX : SwitchData
- animStateScaleY : SwitchData
- animTime : FireBreathFXData, LilOinkFXData, MiscParticlesFXData, ShimmerParticle
- animTimers : MessagePrintState
- any : ActionCommandStatus.__unnamed102__, EffectInstanceDataPtr, EntityData, Npc.blur
- appearDelay : PulseStoneData, TubbaHeartAttackFXData
- appearMode : CreditsEntry, CreditsLine
- appearTime : CreditsEntry, CreditsLine, Message
- appendGfx : RenderTask
- appendGfxArg : RenderTask
- areaBytes : SaveData
- areaFlagIndex : SwitchData
- areaFlags : SaveData
- areaID : GameStatus, SaveData
- args : ImgFXIntVars
- array : Evt, NpcInitialVars
- arrayIdx : ImgFXState
- arrowSign : EntityData
- arrowType : StatChangeFXData
- arrowValue : StatChangeFXData
- attackBoost : Actor
- attackerActorID : BattleStatus
- attackResultEffect : Actor
- attackResultText : EffectInstanceDataPtr
- attempts : StatDrop
- audioThreadCallbacks : AuGlobals
- aura : EffectInstanceDataPtr
- autoSucceed : ActionCommandStatus
- aux : NpcSettings
- auxBitDepth : TextureHeader
- auxBytecode : Enemy
- auxCombineSubType : TextureHeader
- auxCombineType : TextureHeader
- auxFmt : TextureHeader
- auxH : TextureHeader
- auxPalette : TextureHandle
- auxRaster : TextureHandle
- auxScript : Enemy
- auxScriptID : Enemy
- auxW : TextureHeader
- auxWrapH : TextureHeader
- auxWrapW : TextureHeader
- availableDisguiseType : PlayerStatus
- Ax : CameraControlSettings.points.three, CameraControlSettings.points.two
- Ay : CameraControlSettings.points.two
- Az : CameraControlSettings.points.three, CameraControlSettings.points.two