Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- g -
- g : Color3i, Color4f, Color4i, Color_RGB8, Color_RGBA8, FireworkRocketFXData, ImgFXIntVars.color
- gain : AuDelay, AuFxBus
- gameFlagIndex : BlockData, ChestData
- gameType : RecordDisplayData
- gatherEnergyPink : EffectInstanceDataPtr
- gatherMagic : EffectInstanceDataPtr
- gatherState : EnergyOrbSet
- gatherStateTime : EnergyOrbSet
- gaveUpFlag : KootFavor
- generalChance : StatDrop
- get : ISVDbg, MapSettings.tattle
- gfx : EntityModel, TextureHandle
- gfx1 : SuperBlockContentData
- gfx2 : SuperBlockContentData
- gfxBaseAddr : Entity
- gfxBufs : ImgFXState
- gfxCopy : ModelLocalVertexCopy
- gfxCount : ImgFXAnimHeader
- gfxFrame : LilOinkFXData
- gfxOffset : ImgFXAnimHeader
- giveItemHeightInterpPhase : ChestData
- giveItemRadiusInterpPhase : ChestData
- giveItemTimer : ChestData
- globalBytes : SaveData
- globalFlagIndex : WoodenCrateData
- globalFlags : SaveData
- globals : AmbienceManager, BGMPlayer, SoundManager
- glowColor : MiscParticlesFXData
- glowPhase : DecorationTable
- glowState : DecorationTable
- glowStateChanged : DecorationTable
- glowUnk1 : DecorationTable
- glowUnk2 : DecorationTable
- glowUnk3 : DecorationTable
- goal : MSEQTrackData, SoundLerp
- goalPos : ActorMovement, ActorPartMovement, ActorState, StickerData, VirtualEntity
- goalPosX : DinoData
- goalPosZ : DinoData
- goldenFlames : DecorationData
- gossipMessage : BulletinBoardEntry
- gotItemDone : ChestData
- gotItemEffect : ChestData
- gotItemOutline : EffectInstanceDataPtr
- graphics : EffectSharedData
- graphicsDmaEnd : EffectTableEntry
- graphicsDmaStart : EffectTableEntry
- gravAccel : BulbFragment, ChompChain, IceShardFXData
- gravity : ItemEntityPhysicsData, StickerData, ThrowSpinyFXData
- gravityIntegrator : PlayerStatus
- greenImpact : EffectInstanceDataPtr
- greenMotionTimer : SwitchData
- gridData : MenuPanel
- groundAnglesXZ : PlayerStatus
- groundNormalPitch : PlayerStatus
- groupData : Model, ModelBlueprint, ModelNode
- groupFlags : Evt
- groupModelID : ModelTransformGroup